Tempe as food products have been well known by the Indonesian people or foreign. It's delicious, cheap price and easy to obtain.

Many vegetarian in the world found tempe as a substitute for meat. Now tempe produced in many places in the world, not only in Indonesia.

Tempe made from the fermentation of soy beans or some other material that uses some type of kapang Rhizopus, such as Rhizopus oligosporus, RH. oryzae, RH. stolonifer (kapang bread), or RH. arrhizus. This fermentation is generally known as "yeast tempe".

In general, tempe have white coloured because the growth of miselia kapang paste soybean seeds so that tight the texture. Degradation components of soybean in the fermentation makes tempe has a taste and a smell characteristic. Different with Tofu, Tempe is a bit dour.

The composition nutrient of protein, fat, and carbohydrate doesn't much change compared with soybean. However, due to a digestive enzyme produced by Tempe kapang, the protein, fat, and carbohydrate in tempe be more easily digested in the body than that found in soybean. Therefore, It's very good to be given to all age groups (from infants to the elderly), so that food can be called as all ages.

Soya bean very good to consumed because it's contain :
1. isoflavones: famous for anti oksidant as a cancer prevention
2. contain phytoestrogen: useful to the body kit as anti strees, anti aging / prevent aging cells in humans
3. contain lesithin / fat naturally good for the body
4. containing saporin (suitable for vegetarian)

Some research indicates that vitamin of tempe more easily digested, absorbed, and utilized the body compared with that in the soybean. This has been proven in infants and children under five people with malnutrition and chronic diarrhea.

With the tempe, increase the growth of malnutrition and diarrhea are healed in a short time. Processing soybeans into tempe will be decrease raffinosa and stakiosa, a compound that causes the occurrence of symptoms flatulency.

Tempe is also trusted to prevent anemia and osteoporosis, two diseases that affects many women, because women's nature to be experienced menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding babies. Anemia disease can attack woman who lazy to eat cause fear have fat body, so that supply and production of cell-red blood cells in the body decreases.

Vitamin B12 (found in animal foods), and zinc that is needed in the formation of red blood cells. In addition, Tempe can also decrease the cholesterol level in blood. Compound protein, fatty acid PUFA, fiber, niasin, and calcium in Tempe can reduce the amount of bad cholesterol.

In Tempe also found a substance in the form of antioxidants isofalvon. Like vitamins C, E and karotenoid, isoflavon are antioxidants that are necessary to stop the body's reaction to the formation of radical free. In soybean there are three types of isoflavon, namely daidzein, glisitein, and genistein. At Tempe, in addition to the three types of isoflavon antioxidants are also factors II (6,7,4 trihidroksi isoflavon) that have the nature's most powerful antioxidants compared with isoflavon in soybean.

Antioxidants was happen when the process soybeans into tempe fermentation by the bacteria Micrococcus leteus and Coreyne bacterium. Research conducted at the University of North Carolina, United States, found that genestein and phytoestrogen found in Tempe that can prevent prostat cancer, breast and anti aging.

copied from


Organik Aceh said...

Nice posting,thanks for share.

Unknown said...

hello buddies . . dr sahabat baru !!! ^^

Unknown said...

I like tempeh, and turns that benefits are very good, thanks friends

Rachman Abdillah said...

I love product Indonesia..dan sangat baik untuk ANAK-ANAK karna gizi yang sehat banyak terkandung didalamnya.

Irchamdy ilyas said...

ini nih makanan yg paling gue suka.. makanan tinggi protein dan enak..

Anonymous said...

.: Indonesia banget...^_^

BASRI.D.S.Kep said...

Tempe good food from indonesian

BASRI.D.S.Kep said...

Tempe is Amazing Food

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